CCTV pipes inspection

With CCTV filming , we can inspect & monitor inside pipes, sewage lines, or drains to discover the exact cause of their damage, including:

Underground service pipes are exposed to many problems that were unknown until specialized cameras appeared to photograph underground pipes and the manufacturers rushed to develop this equipment until it reached the highest level.

Our company was the first to introduce this field in the Egyptian market, so it acquired pipes’ photographing systems since 1994, and since that date, our company has photographed thousands of kilometers of networks and contributed to saving many networks from collapsing as a result of early examination and treatment before problems accumulate.

Currently, our company owns a number of the latest photographic inspection systems with high clarity and flexibility that facilitate movement within the pipe to look back or forward or focus on a specific point and record all notes automatically on CDs that are easy to review.

In order to complete the activity, the company also owns cameras specialized in photographing the manholes to show the condition of the rooms from the inside with the electronic recording of the videos.

We also have several CCTV systems available; whether black and white cameras, which give clear images, the finer details are determined due to the color contrast between black and white. We also have the latest colored cameras that have the ability to turn inside the pipe and record data. With the use of Digital System fully color -coded remote control and computer -operated.

With CCTV filming , we can inspect & monitor inside pipes, sewage lines, or drains to discover the exact cause of their damage, including:

With CCTV filming , we can inspect & monitor inside pipes, sewage lines, or drains to discover the exact cause of their damage, including: